
I mentioned on 125/365 that we went to a painting party at my sister’s church. It’s one of those classes where a group is instructed step-by-step to paint a certain thing. In this case, it was a cross. Now, if you’re thinking “this doesn’t look like a cross…” there’s good reason for that. My niece (who is holding her painting in this photo) went a off script when our instructor was telling us how to do one of the steps in our paitings and came out with something a little different. Hey, we were in the back row of the class, so some instructions given on stage were a little lost on us! We had a lot of fun figuring out what we might call this creation of hers, and I think we came up with “angel cross,” because it looked a bit like a snow angel (except, as I remarked, it looked like the person doing the snow angel also moved his or her head back and forth, because the top of the “angel” is fanned out as well.) We made some good memories together that night, so never mind whether or not our paintings came out exactly as intended. The fun we had was all that really mattered!


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